Sunday, August 30, 2009

Artificial Life One Step Closer: Scientists Clone And Engineer Bacterial Genomes In Yeast And Transplant Genomes Back Into Bacterial Cells

Yeast. The entire bacterial genome from Mycoplasma mycoides was cloned in a yeast cell by adding yeast centromeric plasmid sequence to the bacterial chromosome and modifying it in yeast using yeast genetic systems. This modified bacterial chromosome was then isolated from yeast and transplanted into a related species of bacteria, Mycoplasma capricolum, to create a new type of M. mycoides cell. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain Image)

Researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), a not-for-profit genomic research organization, have just published results describing new methods in which the entire bacterial genome from Mycoplasma mycoides was cloned in a yeast cell by adding yeast centromeric plasmid sequence to the bacterial chromosome. Researchers modified it in yeast using yeast genetic systems. This modified bacterial chromosome was then isolated from yeast and transplanted into a related species of bacteria, Mycoplasma capricolum, to create a new type of M. mycoides cell.

This is the first time that genomes have been transferred between branches of life—from a prokaryote to eukaryote and back to a prokaryote. The research was published by Carole Lartigue et al in the journal Science on August 21.

Hamilton Smith, M.D., one of the leaders of the JCVI team said, “I believe this work has important implications in better understanding the fundamentals of biology to enable the final stages of our work in creating and booting up a synthetic genome. This is possibly one of the most important new findings in the field of synthetic genomics.”

The research published today was made possible by previous breakthroughs at JCVI. In 2007 the team published results from the transplantation of the native M. mycoides genome into the M. capricolum cell which resulted in the M. capricolum cell being transformed into M. mycoides. This work established the notion that DNA is the software of life and that it is the DNA that dictates the cell phenotype.

In 2008 the same team reported on the construction of the first synthetic bacterial genome by assembling DNA fragments made from the four chemicals of life—ACGT. The final assembly of DNA fragments into the whole genome was performed in yeast by making use of the yeast genetic systems. However, when the team attempted to transplant the synthetic bacterial genome out of yeast into a recipient bacterial cell, all the experiments failed.

The researchers had previously established that no proteins were required for chromosome transplantations, however they reasoned that DNA methylation (a chemical modification of DNA that bacterial cells use to protect their genome from degradation by restriction enzymes, which are the proteins that cut DNA at specific sites) might be required for transplantation. When the chromosome was isolated direct from the bacterial cells it was likely already methylated and therefore transplantable due to it being protected from the cells restriction enzymes.

In this study, the team began by cloning the native M. mycoides genome into yeast by adding a yeast centromere to the bacterial genome. This is the first time a native bacterial genome has been grown successfully in yeast. Specific methylase enzymes were isolated from M. mycoides and used to methylate the M. mycoides genome isolated from yeast. When the DNA was methylated the chromosome was able to be successfully transplanted into a wild type species of M. capricolum. However, if the DNA was not first methylated the transplant experiments were not successful. To prove that the restriction enzymes in the M. capricolum cell were responsible for the destruction of the transplanted genome the team removed the restriction enzyme genes from the M. capricolum genome. When genome transplantations were performed using the restriction enzyme minus recipient cells, all the genome transplantations worked regardless of if the DNA was methylated or not.

“The ability to modify bacterial genomes in yeast is an important advance that extends yeast genetic tools to bacteria. If this is extendable to other bacteria we believe that these methods may be used in general laboratory practice to modify organisms,” said Sanjay Vashee, Ph.D., JCVI researcher and corresponding author on the paper.

The team now has a complete cycle of cloning a bacterial genome in yeast, modifying the bacterial genome as though it were a yeast chromosome and transplanting the genome back into a recipient bacterial cell to create a new bacterial strain. These new methods and knowledge should allow the team to now transplant and boot up the synthetic bacterial genome successfully.

The research published August 21 by JCVI researchers was funded by the company Synthetic Genomics Inc., a company co-founded by Drs. Smith and Venter.

Journal reference:

  1. Lartigue et al. Creating Bacterial Strains from Genomes That Have Been Cloned and Engineered in Yeast. Science, August 20, 2009; DOI: 10.1126/science.1173759

Friday, August 28, 2009

Vaxine trials show 1st swine flu vaccine works well

Vaxine trials show 1st swine flu vaccine works well
Narayanan Suresh
Singapore, Aug 26, 2009: The initial results from the clinical trials of the world’s first recombinant vaccine against swine flu, developed by a small South Australian biotech company, Vaxine Pty Ltd, indicates that the vaccine is working well in humans.

Vaxine started the human clinical trials of the world’s first swine flu vaccine, on July 20, 2009. Three days ahead of Australia’s pharma giant CSL’s vaccine trials.

“The safety data so far is excellent and the vaccine is better tolerated than even the standard flu vaccine,” Vaxine Pty’s research director, Prof Nikolai Petrovsky, told BioSpectrum.

Prof Petrovsky said Vaxine’s swin flu vaccine has been tested in three different doses of antigen ranging from 3 to 45 micrograms of haemagglutinin with and without adjuvant. The company is using its own proprietary Advax adjuvant. The vaccine’s antigen is a recombinant protein supplied by Protein Sciences Corporation, based in Meridien, USA. The vaccine is designed to provide powerful protection against influenza through anti-influenza antibodies, and T-cells which are some of the key components of the body’s natural defense against the influenza virus.

Seven other trials of swine flu vaccine developed by vaccine companies in five countries are currently going on.

Being the world’s first swine flu vaccine, this Australian company’s efforts are watched avidly around the world. The efficacy data of the vaccine is expected to release in a few weeks. For the clinical trials, the Vaxine’s vaccine has been administered to 275 male and female patients in the age group of 18 to 70 at Flinders Medical Center in Adelaide. Vaxine is a spinout of Flinders University. The clinical trials are being conducted by Prof David Gordon at Flinders University.

China’s Sinovac has announced that the results of its swine flu vaccine trials which started a week after Vaxine, has also been good. Sinovac is using a single dose of 15 mg. Prof Petrovsky said his company’s genetically-engineered vaccine has several advantages over other products such as CSL’s egg based vaccine. “Our vaccine is free of egg protein contaminants and so is safe for people with serious egg allergy. The vaccine also does not have viral RNA contaminants that cause occasional severe reactogenecity and being in single dose vials does not contain thiomersal,” Vaxine’s research head says.

Set up in 2002, Vaxine has started clinical trials of its other vaccines for seasonal flu, Japanese encephalitis, Hepatitis B and bee sting allergy. Vaxine was quickly off the block in the global race to develop a vaccine against swine flu. “Never before has a new influenza vaccine been delivered to the clinic so far. It is extraordinary what has been achieved in less than three months since the seed virus was first identified,” says Dr Dimitar Sajkov, one of Vaxine’s clinical investigators. He indicated that the success of Vaxine’s vaccine could signal the beginning of the end for old-fashioned egg-based vaccines.
Most of the seasonal flu vaccines are grown using the chicken-egg method as the virus is known to grow very well in this medium. Vaxine has already received many enquiries for the supply of the vaccine from countries like Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. In mid-August, Vaxine was honored with the National Innovation Award at the Telstra Business Awards in Sydney, recognizing the company’s breakthrough efforts in the development of swine flu vaccine.
© BioSpectrum Bureau

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New DNA Test Uses Nanotechnology To Find Early Signs Of Cancer

In this illustration by Yi Zhang, quantum dots are depicted as gold spheres that attract DNA strands linked to cancer risks. When the quantum dots are exposed to certain types of light, they transfer the energy to fluorescent molecules, shown as pink globes, that emit a glow. This enables researchers to detect and count the DNA strands linked to cancer. (Credit: Image courtesy of Johns Hopkins University)

Using tiny crystals called quantum dots, Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a highly sensitive test to look for DNA attachments that often are early warning signs of cancer. This test, which detects both the presence and the quantity of certain DNA changes, could alert people who are at risk of developing the disease and could tell doctors how well a particular cancer treatment is working.

The new test was reported in a paper called “MS-qFRET: a quantum dot-based method for analysis of DNA methylation,” published in the August issue of the journal Genome Research. The work also was presented at a conference of the American Association of Cancer Research.

“If it leads to early detection of cancer, this test could have huge clinical implications,” said Jeff Tza-Huei Wang, an associate professor of mechanical engineering whose lab team played a leading role in developing the technique. “Doctors usually have the greatest success in fighting cancer if they can treat it in its early stage.”

Wang and his students developed the test over the past three years with colleagues at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center. Stephen B. Baylin, deputy director of the center and a co-author of the Genome Research study, said the test represents “a very promising platform” to help doctors detect cancer at an early stage and to predict which patients are most likely to benefit from a particular therapy.

The recent study, which included the detection of DNA markers in the sputum from lung cancer patients, was designed to show that the technology was sound. Compared to current methods, the test appeared to be more sensitive and delivered results more quickly, the researchers said. “The technique looks terrific, but it still needs to be tested in many real-world scenarios,” Baylin said. “Some of these studies are already under way here. If we continue to see exciting progress, this testing method could easily be in wide use within the next five years.”

The target of this test is a biochemical change called DNA methylation, which occurs when a chemical group called methyl attaches itself to cytosine, one of the four nucleotides or base building blocks of DNA. When methylation occurs at critical gene locations, it can halt the release of proteins that suppress tumors. When this occurs, it is easier for cancer cells to form and

multiply. As a result, a person whose DNA has this abnormal gene DNA methylation may have a higher risk of developing cancer. Furthermore, these methylation changes appear to be an early event that precedes the appearance of genetic mutations, another precursor to cancer.

To detect this DNA methylation, the Johns Hopkins team found a way to single out the troublesome DNA strands that have a methyl group attached to them. Through a chemical process called bisulfite conversion, all segments that lack a methyl group are transformed into another nucleotide.

Then, another lab process is used to make additional copies of the remaining target DNA strands that are linked to cancer. During this process, two molecules are attached to opposite ends of each DNA strand. One of these molecules is a protein called biotin. The other is a fluorescent dye. These partner molecules are attached to help researchers detect and count the DNA strands that are associated with cancer.

To do this, these customized DNA strands are mixed with quantum dots, which are crystals of semiconductor material whose sizes are in the range of only few nanometers across. (A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, far too small to see with the naked eye.).These dots are usually employed in electronic circuitry, but they have recently proved to be helpful in biological applications as well. Quantum dots are useful because they possess an important property: They easily transfer energy. When light shines on a quantum dot, the dot quickly passes this energy along to a nearby molecule, which can use the energy to emit a fluorescent glow. This behavior makes the cancer-related DNA strands light up and identify themselves.

In the Johns Hopkins cancer test, the quantum dots have been coated with a chemical that is attracted to biotin–one of the two molecules that were attached to the DNA strands. As a result, up to 60 of the targeted DNA strands can stick themselves to a single quantum dot, like arms extending from an octopus. Then, an ultraviolet light or a blue laser is aimed at the sample. The quantum dots grab this energy and immediately transfer it to the fluorescent dyes that were attached earlier to the targeted DNA strands. These dye molecules use the energy to light up.

These signals, also called fluorescence, can be detected by a machine called a spectrophotometer. By analyzing these signals, the researchers can discover not only whether the sample contains the cancer-linked DNA but how much of the DNA methylation is present. Larger amounts can be associated with a higher cancer risk.

“This kind of information could allow a patient with positive methylation to undergo more frequent cancer screening tests. This method could replace the traditionally more invasive ways for obtaining patient samples with a simple blood test,” said Vasudev J. Bailey, a biomedical engineering doctoral student from Bangalore, India, who was one of the two lead authors on the Genome Research paper. “It’s also important because these test results could possibly help a doctor determine whether a particular cancer treatment is working. It could pave the way for personalized chemotherapy.”

In addition, because different types of cancer exhibit distinctive genetic markers, the researchers say the test should be able to identify which specific cancer a patient may be at risk of developing. Markers for lung cancer, for example, are different from markers for leukemia.

The other lead author of the Genome Research paper was Hariharan Easwaran, a cancer biology research fellow in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Along with Wang and Baylin, the other co-authors were Yi Zhang, a biomedical engineering doctoral student at Johns Hopkins; Elizabeth Griffiths, an oncology clinical fellow in the School of Medicine; Steven A. Belinsky, of the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute in Albuquerque, N.M.; James G. Herman, a professor of cancer biology in the School of Medicine; and Hetty E. Carraway, an assistant professor of oncology in the School of Medicine.

Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer staff members have applied for international patent protection covering the testing technique and are in talks with a biotechnology company that has expressed interest in licensing the application.

The research was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute, the National Science Foundation, the Hodson Foundation and the Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute.

Courtesy: ScienceDaily

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bio-Nanomachines: Proteins As Resistance Fighters

Fluorescent image of single motor proteins (left): Motion of two diffusing kinesin molecules (green) on a microtubule (red) shown as a time series kymograph. Schematic (right): By dragging diffusing kinesin molecules with laser tweezers over a microtubule, the friction force between the motor and its microtubule track can be measured very precisely. (Credit: MPI-CBG, BIOTEC)

Friction limits the speed and efficiency of macroscopic engines. Is this also true for nanomachines? A Dresden research team used laser tweezers to measure the friction between a single motor protein molecule and its track. The team found that also within our cells, motors work against the resistance of friction and are restrained in its operation—usually by far not as much though as their macroscopic counterparts.

These first experimental measurements of protein friction could help researchers to better understand key cellular processes such as cell division which is driven by such molecular machines. (Science, August 14, 2009)

Friction is the force that resists the relative motion of two bodies in contact. The same is true on the nanoscale: Molecular motors have to fight the friction created between them and their tracks. However, since the frictional forces acting on such motors had not been measured before, it was not known how they depend on the speed and the direction of motion.

Friction Slows Down Proteins

Scientists in Dresden at the Biotechnology Center (BIO-TEC) of the Technical University of Dresden and at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) immobilized the molecular motor kinesin on a microsphere which was held by laser tweezers and dragged over its track, a so-called microtubule. In this manner, the friction force between the motor and its microtubule track was measured very precisely. "Just like for macroscopic machines, protein friction limits the speed and efficiency of the small bio-motors", says Erik Schäffer, group leader at the BIOTEC and Jonathon Howard, director and group leader at the MPI-CBG.

The researchers explain that the protein, in the absence of an energy source, takes eight nanometer (a millionth of a millimeter) wide "diffusive hops", corresponding to the length of the tubulin subunits that make up a microtubule. The motors step from one tubulin subunit to the adjacent one by forming a new bond with the microtubule filament as another bond is broken. When pulled by the tweezers, the energy released from these breaking bonds is lost as friction.

Efficient nanomachines

Protein friction also gives insight into the efficiency of kinesin. "About half of the energy from the motor’s fuel ATP is dissipated as friction between the motor and its substrate" Howard comments. Schäffer adds: "What remains after further dissipation inside the motor is used for mechanical work—the efficiency is usually much better than for man-made machines". The dissipated energy is eventually converted to heat, that contributes to the heating of our body. Thus, for example our muscles are partly heated by protein friction as the muscle motor proteins do their work.

Courtesy: ScienceDaily

Journal reference:

  1. Volker Bormuth, Vladimir Varga, Jonathon Howard, Erik Schäffer. Protein Friction Limits Diffusive and Directed Movements of Kinesin Motors on Microtubules. Science, 2009; 325 (5942): 870 DOI: 10.1126/science.1174923

Sunday, August 23, 2009

FluBlok - Swine flu vaccine


FluBlok® is Protein Sciences' seasonal influenza vaccine candidate.

The company has conducted Phase III clinical studies for FluBlok. At this time a Biologics License Application (BLA) for commercialization of FluBlok is under review at the FDA.

FluBlok is comprised of purified recombinant hemagglutinin antigens (active ingredient) and is formulated to contain 3X the active component as compared to TIV.

Over 90% of influenza-related deaths occur in people over the age of 65. Currently available vaccines have a limited ability to protect the elderly, the age group most at risk for influenza. In clinical trials to date, FluBlok has demonstrated that a significantly higher percentage of elderly subjects developed antibody titers that are considered to be protective compared to licensed vaccine.

FluBlok Advantages:

  • Higher antigen content
  • Better immunogenicity for the elderly
  • No preservatives and no adjuvants (i.e. no thimerisol)
  • No egg proteins present
  • No live influenza viruses used in productio
Home page:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bad News For Coffee Drinkers Who Get Headaches

People who consume high amounts of caffeine each day are more likely to suffer occasional headaches than those with low caffeine consumption, a team of researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) reports in a study recently published in the Journal of Headache Pain.

But in findings that had “no obvious reason”, the researchers, led by Knut Hagen from NTNU’s Faculty of Medicine, also reported that low caffeine consumption was associated with a greater likelihood of chronic headaches, defined as headaches for 14 or more days each month.

The results are drawn from a large cross-sectional study of 50,483 people who answered a questionnaire about caffeine consumption and headache prevalence as a part of the Nord-Trøndelag Health Survey (HUNT 2), a county-wide health survey conducted in 1995-1997 on a wide range of health topics.

Caffeine is the world’s most commonly consumed stimulant, and has long been known to have both positive and negative effects on headaches. For example, caffeine is a common ingredient in headache analgesics because it can help relieve headaches.

But research worldwide into the relationship between caffeine consumption and headache provides no relief to headache sufferers wondering whether they should drink more coffee or less. Some studies have shown that high caffeine consumption increases the prevalence of headaches and migraines, while other studies have shown no such relationship.

At the same time, headaches are costly to society, in work hours lost, and to individuals themselves. The World Health Organisation ranks migraine 19th in all causes of disability based on a measure called “years lived with disability”, as one example.

The issue is of particular interest in Scandinavia, because Scandinavians are heavy coffee drinkers, consuming on average about 400 mg of caffeine per day. That is roughly twice the average caffeine consumption in other European countries and in the US, and equates to roughly 4 cups of brewed coffee per day, although caffeine levels in coffee vary quite widely.

The HUNT study is powerful because it is large-scale, population-based and cross-sectional, but when it comes to headaches, these characteristics make it difficult to establish cause-and-effect. For example, the frequency of non-migraine headache was found by researchers to be 18 per cent more likely in individuals with high caffeine consumption (500 mg per day or more) than among those with the lowest consumption (with mean levels at 125 mg per day).

But does that mean that all that caffeine causes headaches – or that people who are more likely to suffer from headaches drink caffeinated beverages in search of relief? “Since the study is cross-sectional, it cannot be concluded that high caffeine consumption causes infrequent headache,” the researchers write.

Even more difficult is explaining why chronic headache was less likely among individuals with moderate or high caffeine consumption, the researchers said. One possibility is that caffeine consumption helps change chronic headache into infrequent headache.

But it is equally possible that chronic headache sufferers had reduced their intake of caffeine because they had experienced its headache precipitating properties – and that individuals with infrequent headaches were unaware that high caffeine might be the cause.

In an interview, Hagen said that people should consider cutting back on their coffee consumption if headaches were a problem. “People who suffer from headaches should be focused on their caffeine use, because it can be a cause of their headaches,” he said.

Journal reference:

1. Knut Hagen, Kari Thoresen, Lars Jacob Stovner, John-Anker Zwart. High dietary caffeine consumption is associated with a modest increase in headache prevalence: results from the Head-HUNT Study. Journal of Headache Pain, 2009; 10: 153-159 DOI: 10.1007/s10194-009-0114-6

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Human Gene Implicated In Regulating Length Of Human Sleep

Scientists have discovered the first gene involved in regulating the optimal length of human sleep, offering a window into a key aspect of slumber, an enigmatic phenomenon that is critical to human physical and mental health.

The team, reporting in the Aug. 14, 2009 issue of Science, identified a mutated gene that allows two members of an extended family to thrive on six hours of sleep a day rather than the eight to eight-and-a-half hours that studies have shown humans need over time to maintain optimal health. Working from this discovery, the scientists genetically engineered mice and fruit flies to express the mutated gene and study its impact.

While most Americans obtain less than eight hours of sleep a night (the average on non-work days is 7.4 hours), and some may feel they succeed with less when engaged in exhilarating work, domestic life or recreation, scientific evidence indicates that, over time, the body suffers from this regimen, the researchers say.

"Short term and chronic disruptions in the length of optimal sleep can have serious consequences on cognition, mood and physical health, including cancer and endocrine function," says the senior author of the study, Ying-Hui Fu, PhD, UCSF professor of neurology. However, teasing out this impact can be challenging, she says, given access to such stimuli as coffee and chocolate.

The finding, she says, offers an opportunity to unravel the regulatory mechanism of sleep. While the mutation may be rare, it could offer a probe more generally into the regulatory mechanisms of sleep quality and quantity. Understanding these mechanisms could lead to interventions to alleviate pathologies associated with sleep disturbance.

Sleep remains a relatively inscrutable biological phenomenon. Scientists know that it is regulated in large part by two processes: 1) circadian rhythms -- genetic, biochemical and physiological mechanisms that wax and wane during a 24 hour period to regulate the timing of sleep, 2) and homeostasis – unknown mechanisms that ensure that the body acquires over time the necessary amount of sleep, nudging it toward sleep when it has been deprived, prompting it out of sleep when it has received enough. This regulation of sleep intensity is measured in non rapid eye movement sleep and REM sleep. Interactions between the circadian rhythms and homeostatic mechanisms influence the timing, duration and quality of sleep and wakefulness.

But "the details in the process are really completely unknown," says Fu.

In 2001, the team discovered a mutated gene that caused some members of several families to be "morning larks," awaking around 3:30 a.m. and going to bed around 7:30 p.m. The condition, which the researchers named "familial advanced sleep phase syndrome," is believed to be primarily a variant, or mutated, form of a gene involved in regulating circadian rhythms. The total daily sleep time in people with this condition is normal.

In the current study, the team identified a small extended family in which a mother and her adult daughter had life-long shorter daily sleep requirements than most individuals. Fu's lab then studied blood samples from these women and their extended family. They identified a mutation in a gene known as hDEC2, which is a transcription factor that represses expression of certain other genes and is implicated in the regulation of circadian rhythms.

Next, the team genetically engineered mice and fruit flies to express the mutated human gene, and Ying He, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Fu lab, studied its impact on their behavior and sleep patterns. Mice slept less, as seen in the extent of their scampering about in the dark (mouse preference) over the course of 24 hours and in electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) measurements indicating reduced nonREM and REM sleep. While lacking a Lilliputian size EEG to monitor the fruit flies, He studied the miniscule creatures' activity and sleep patterns by tracking the frequency of their movements through infrared light.

Next, the team compared the response of the genetically engineered mice and normal mice to the consequence of six hours of sleep deprivation. The engineered mice needed to compensate for their lost sleep to a much lesser extent – as seen in nonREM and REM measures – than their normal counterparts.

"These changes in sleep homeostasis in the mutant mice could provide an explanation for why human subjects with the mutation are able to live unaffected by shorter amounts of sleep throughout their lives," says Fu.

The next step, she says, is determining the DEC2's precise role. "We know the gene encodes a protein that is a transcriptional repressor and we know it makes the repressor's activity weaker. But we don't know if the weaker repressor is directly related to the shorter amount of sleep, because proteins can have many functions. It could be the protein functions as part of a larger transcriptional machinery, not necessarily as a repressor."

DEC2 could be involved in modulating "sleep quantity" alone, or it could be mediating both "sleep quantity" and "wakefulness-behavioral drive," according to Fu. The latter drive, she says, is critical for the procurement of food, shelter, and mates and could be more potent in individuals with this mutation.

"The mouse model also provides an opportunity to investigate whether there are other behaviors or physiological conditions associated with a short sleep syndrome," says Fu. She suspects there will be.

Co-authors of the study are Christopher R. Jones, MD, at the University of Utah; Nobuhiro Fujiki, PhD, and Seiji Nishino, PhD, both of Stanford University; Ying Xu, PhD, and Jimmy Holder, MD, PhD, both at the time of the study in the Fu lab; Bin Guo, PhD, of the University of California, Berkeley; and Moritz J. Rossner, PhD, of the Max-Planck-Institute of Experimental Medicine.

The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, a Conte Center grant, and by the Sandler Neurogenetics fund.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

E. Coli and You

From Victorian England to contemporary America, creationists have often denied that we are related to other primates. But the hard truth of our genealogy does even greater damage to human pride. We are cousins of every living thing, including the billions of E. coli bacteria in our intestines. This kinship may not be flattering, but it is useful. By studying these tiny creatures, we learn about other organisms, including ourselves. As the French biologist Jacques Monod once said, “What is true for E. coli is true for the elephant.”

Carl Zimmer effectively applies this principle in his engrossing new book, “Microcosm,” relating the study of these microbes to larger developments in biology and thoughtfully discussing the social implications of science. If you must limit yourself to only one title on bacteria this year, “Microcosm” is a good pick.

As Zimmer explains, a number of landmark discoveries have involved E. coli, including experiments confirming the universality of biochemistry and revealing how genes function. Studying the many strains of E. coli (most are innocuous) suggests something further: the divergent behavior of genetically identical bacteria, Zimmer writes, is “a warning to those who would put human nature down to any sort of simple genetic determinism.”

Along with some more familiar material, Zimmer vividly describes the unfamiliar microscopic world of E. coli and their tightly packed, rod-shaped bodies: “If you prick us, we bleed, but if you prick E. coli, it blasts.” And unlike mammals, bacteria often swap genetic material, placing limits on Monod’s dictum. However, species large and small absorb DNA from viruses. For E. coli and humans alike, Zimmer emphasizes, “there are no fixed essences in life.”

“Microcosm” also examines E. coli’s contentious public life. Creationists claim its tail-like, propulsive flagellum is proof of someone’s intentional design. But at the 2005 trial over the teaching of “intelligent design” in Dover, Pa., scientists showed that the flagellum is not inexplicably complex. The resistance some E. coli have developed to antibiotics (whose limits are given their own slightly disquieting chapter) provides yet more evidence for evolution.

In the 1970s, tinkering with E. coli helped scientists learn to manipulate genes, making the bacterium, Zimmer says, “the monster and the mule” of bioscience — a symbol of fears about genetic experimentation, as well as a workhorse used to make drugs. Here, he calmly finds a middle ground. While these initial concerns have remained largely unrealized, “genetic engineering has fallen far short of the more extravagant promises” about the eradication of major diseases that were offered 30 years ago.

Broadly, Zimmer sees public tolerance for genetic engineering increasing as science further reveals our patchwork genomic cloth. “New research on human evolution,” he writes, “makes it impossible to believe that a thing either is or is not a whole human being,” as some conservative opponents of biomedical inventions have argued. If our attempts to define a uniquely human core are arbitrary, however, they help us decide how to live. Zimmer thus hopes a debate over genetic engineering will produce a “deeper understanding of what it means to be human: not as an inviolable essence but as a complex cloud of genes, traits, environmental influences and cultural forces.”

Desirable as this discussion sounds, is it likely? As Zimmer notes, a bit too briefly, the emergence of biotechnology as an economic force dampened this debate three decades ago. Still, some public advocacy groups remain wary of bioscience, and coming innovations could revive opposition from cultural conservatives, rights-based interest groups and liberals upset at the uneven distribution of these goods. Genetic engineering and new forms of biomedicine could therefore engender a worthy civic dialogue or aggravate old political fractures. Or biotechnology may simply roll on. In any case, Zimmer adroitly links the common heritage we share with E. coli and the emerging horizons of science: “Through E. coli we can see the history of life, and we can see its future as well.”

Courtesy: Newyork times

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tulsi Fights Swine Flu - Among A Host Of Health Benefits

Tulsi is a medicinal plant of Indian origins that has medicinal benefits abound in it. Tulsi has much of a cultural significance in India as well, where it is considered divine and its presence in households, auspicious.

The latest revelation about the medicinal properties of Tulsi comes in the wake of pandemic alerts world over – Tulsi helps in countering the deadly H1Ni virus! Tulsi is found to improve the body’s defence mechanisms against viruses in general and its effectiveness has been vouched for in its ability to act against the virus causing flu. It has been revealed that Tulsi could ward off the Swine Flu virus as well as could cure people who have been infected with Swine Flu.

The treatment for Swine Flu involves consumption of 20 – 25 leaves of Tulsi in its fresh form or as liquid and to be taken in empty stomach twice a day. The revelation assumes significance as traditional medicines are found lacking in their ability to tackle H1N1 virus, with Swine Flu sweeping across the world, spreading panic among people and offices and schools being shut down to control the spread of the epidemic.

Other Benefits of Tulsi: Tulsi’s effectiveness against Swine Flu may have come as news to people who are unaware of the wealth of benefits that the humble herb has to offer. Traditionally, Hindu temples provide water that has Tulsi leaves soaked in it to devotees. Tulsi leaves are boiled in water and the essence is given to children and adults who suffer from flu and common cold.

Tulsi plant is a repellent against mosquitoes and other insects and Tulsi leaves and juice extracted from the leaves are found to be cures against malaria. Tulsi is also a remedy against constipation, indigestion, poor appetite and acidity. Tulsi is known to help solve health problems in women that are associated with menstruation and pregnancy. Tulsi strengthens the body’s immune system in children and protects them from common infections

The effectiveness of the medicinal plant in preventing and curing swine flu only vouches for the host of other health benefits that the plant is traditionally known to offer.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Television Viewing Linked to Blood Pressure Increases in Children


Children who spend a lot of time watching television have higher blood pressure than those who watch less, even if the children are thin and get enough exercise, according to new research.

Earlier studies have found associations between television viewing and obesity, which is linked to higher blood pressure. But the new report suggests a more direct relationship between extensive TV watching and increases in blood pressure, the authors said.

Researchers at Michigan State University have been following a group of 111 children, ages 3 to 8, for about four years. The team asked the children to wear accelerometers — devices that record physical motion — for a week in order to objectively measure the amount of time that they were sedentary. The researchers also gathered information from parents about how many hours their children spent watching television, playing video games and using the computer. They also measured the children’s body fat.

Children who watched the most television (from 1.5 to 5.5 hours a day) had significantly higher diastolic and systolic blood pressure readings than those who watched the least television (less than half an hour a day), the researchers found. Data from the accelerometers showed that the increased blood pressure wasn’t associated with the sedentary behavior overall, but specifically linked to increased TV viewing.

Although this study did not report on the prevalence of hypertension and pre-hypertension, earlier research with a similar group of children found that one in five had high blood pressure, the authors said. Children generally have lower blood pressure than adults, and their blood pressure rises as they grow.

Extensive TV viewing may have harmful physiological effects because children often snack while watching TV, or perhaps because the programs are distressing to them, suggested Joey Eisenmann, an assistant professor of kinesiology at Michigan State University and the paper’s senior author. Watching TV late at night may cut into sleep time or disrupt sleep, he added; it’s also possible that watching television reduces the body’s metabolic rate more than other sedentary activities.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children watch no more than two hours of high quality television each day.

The study was published in this month’s issue of Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

Cortesy: Newyork times

Thursday, August 13, 2009

People With Lots Of Working Memory Are Not Easily Distracted

"That blasted siren. I can't focus." That reaction to undesired distraction may signal a person's low working-memory capacity, according to a new study.

Based on a study of 84 students divided into four separate experiments, University of Oregon researchers found that students with high memory storage capacity were clearly better able to ignore distractions and stay focused on their assigned tasks.

Principal investigator Edward K. Vogel, a UO professor of psychology, compares working memory to a computer's random-access memory (RAM) rather than the hard drive's size -- the higher the RAM, the better processing abilities. With more RAM, he said, students were better able to ignore distractions. This notion surfaced in a 2005 paper in Nature by Vogel and colleagues in the Oregon Visual Working Memory & Attention Lab.

In experiments with some variations in approaches -- detailed in the July 8 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience -- students' brain activity was monitored using electroencephalography (EEG) while they studied images on a computer screen, recognizing a shape with a missing component, and then identifying the object after it moved simply to another location or amid distractions. Using a "task irrelevant probe" -- a 50 millisecond-long flash of light -- Vogel and Keisuke Fukuda, a doctoral student of Vogel's and lead author, were able to determine where exactly a subject's attention was focused.

All of the subjects were able to quickly and accurately identify the targets when the objects moved around the screen, but as distracting components were added some maintained accuracy while others diverted their attention and slipped in performing the assigned tasks.

Vogel is quick to say that the findings don't necessarily signify problems for an easily distracted person, although people who hold their focus more intensely tend to have higher fluid intelligence; they score higher on achievement tests, do better in math and learn second languages easier than peers who are captured by interruptions. Vogel currently is working with other UO researchers to explore if the easily distracted indeed have a positive side, such as in artistic creativity and imagination.

The new research, funded by the National Science Foundation, zeroed in on the brain's prefrontal cortex -- a region linked to executive function and under scrutiny for its association with many neurological disorders -- and the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), which is involved in perceptual-motor coordination, including eye movements.

The IPS, Vogel said, acts as a pointer system that seeks out goal-related cues, and it possibly is the gateway for memory circuitry in the brain.

"Our attention is the continual interplay between what our goals are and what the environment is trying to dictate to us," Vogel said. "Often, to be able to complete complex and important goal-directed behavior, we need to be able to ignore salient but irrelevant things, such as advertisements flashing around an article you are trying to read on a computer screen. We found that some people are really good at overriding attention capture, and other people have a difficult time unhooking from it and are really susceptible to irrelevant stimuli."

Vogel theorizes that people who are good at staying on focus have a good gatekeeper, much like a bouncer or ticket-taker hired to allow only approved people into a nightclub or concert. Understanding how to improve the gatekeeper component, he said, could lead to therapies that help easily distracted people better process what information is allowed in initially, rather than attempting to teach people how to force more information into their memory banks.

Cortesy: ScienceDaily

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Itch-specific Neurons Identified In Mice Offers Hope For Better Treatments

Historically, many scientists have regarded itching as just a less intense version of pain. They have spent decades searching for itch-specific nerve cells to explain how the brain perceives itch differently from pain, but none have been found.

Now researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have discovered that those itch-specific neurons do exist in mice, and their studies suggest that itch and pain signals are transmitted along different pathways in the spinal cord. Reporting in the Aug. 6 issue of Science Express, the advance online publication of the journal Science, the researchers say they can knock out an animal's itch response without affecting its ability to sense and attempt to avoid pain.

"This finding has very important therapeutic implications," says Zhou-Feng Chen, Ph.D., the study's principal investigator. "We've shown that particular neurons are critical for the itching sensation but not for pain, which means those cells may contain several itch-specific receptors or signaling molecules that can be explored or identified as targets for future treatment or management of chronic itching."

The new finding follows research by Chen and his team in 2007 that identified the first itch gene — gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) — in the spinal cord. They also showed that when mice were exposed to things that make them itchy, those without a GRPR gene scratched less than their normal littermates. Chen's team also found GRPR in a group of spinal-cord cells called lamina 1 neurons that relay both itch and pain sensations to the brain.

"But the identification of an itch receptor in spinal-cord neurons didn't mean those neurons were itch-specific because it was possible that they also could have pain-related genes," says Chen, associate professor of anesthesiology, of psychiatry and of developmental biology. "A key question was whether those GRPR neurons also were transmitting pain signals. We approached that question by injecting a toxic substance that binds to GRPR and then exposing mice to both itchy and painful stimuli."

Chen's team injected the spinal cords of mice with a neurotoxin called bombesin-saporin. It bound to GRPR and killed the neurons where the gene was expressed. When these mice then were exposed to things that caused itching, they didn't scratch. With an appropriate dose of the neurotoxin, their scratching could be reduced by more than 80 percent or completely eliminated in some instances. That finding proved that the neurons with GRPR were required for normal itch sensation.

There are two major types of itching that are classified according to the presence or absence of the chemical histamine. Histamine-dependent itching can be caused by bug bites or allergic reactions. It is treated with antihistamine drugs, such as Benadryl®. Most chronic, severe itching, however, is resistant to antihistamine treatment. But in this study, it made no difference whether mice were exposed to histamines or to other itch-inducing substances. Those mice whose GRPR-expressing neurons had been destroyed by the neurotoxin didn't scratch, regardless of what type of itchy agent they encountered.

"However, the same mice continued to respond normally to pain," Chen says. "This is a very striking and unexpected result because it suggests there is an itch-specific neuronal pathway in the spinal cord."

Further tests showed that other neurologic functions, such as motor control were not affected by the destruction of the GRPR-expressing neurons.

Whereas Chen's earlier work found that pain and itch are regulated through different molecular pathways, this study suggests they also are regulated through different cellular pathways. That, he says, could have important implications for treating itch because the neurons with GRPR may contain more itch-specific genes.

"We've shown that these GRPR neurons are important for itching sensation and not for pain, but we really don't know much more about them," Chen says. "We still have a lot of questions, and we are very interested to find more answers."

Funding for this research comes from a grant from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.

Journal references:

1. Sun YG, Zhao ZQ, MengXL, Yin J, Liu XY, Chen ZF. Cellular basis of itch sensation. Science, Aug. 7, 2009
2. Sun YG, Chen ZF. A gastrin-releasing peptide receptor mediates the itch sensation in the spinal cord. Nature, Online July 25, 2007; (448), pp. 700-703. Aug. 9, 2007 DOI: 10.1038/nature06029

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Warmer Environment Means Shorter Lives For Cold-blooded Animals

A Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps) on the forest floor, Daintree National Park (Australia). Temperature explains much of why cold-blooded organisms such as fish, amphibians, crustaceans, and lizards live longer at higher latitudes than at lower latitudes. (Credit: iStockphoto/Donall O Cleirigh)
Temperature explains much of why cold-blooded organisms such as fish, amphibians, crustaceans, and lizards live longer at higher latitudes than at lower latitudes, according to research recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) online. Assistant Professor Dr. Stephan Munch and Ph.D. candidate Santiago Salinas, both of Stony Brook University's School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), found that for a diverse range of species whose body temperatures vary with the temperature of their surroundings, ambient temperature is the dominant factor controlling geographic variation of lifespan within species.

"We were intrigued by the fact that that pearl mussels in Spain have a maximum lifespan of 29 years, while in Russia, individuals of the same species live nearly 200 years," said Dr. Munch. "We wondered how a relatively small difference in latitude (Spain 43ºN and Russia 66ºN) could have such a drastic impact on lifespan. While one might expect that local adaptations or geographic variations in predator and food abundance would account for this disparity, we wanted to see whether the geographical variation in lifespan that we see in all sorts of species has a common physiological basis in temperature."

Munch and Salinas looked at lifespan data from laboratory and field observations for over 90 species from terrestrial, freshwater, and marine environments. They studied organisms with different average longevities--from the copepod Arcartia tonsa, which has an average lifespan of 11.6 days, to the pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera, which has an average lifespan of 74 years. They found that across this wide range of species, temperature was consistently exponentially related to lifespan.

The relationship between temperature and lifespan that Munch and Salinas found through data analysis was strikingly similar to the relationship that the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) predicts. The MTE is a modeling framework that has been used to explain the way in which life history, population dynamics, geographic patterns, and other ecological processes scale with an animal's body size and temperature.

"You can think of an animal as a beaker in which chemical reactions are taking place," said Salinas. "The same rules that apply to a liquid inside a beaker should apply to animals. Chemists have a relationship for how an increase in temperature will speed up reaction rates, so the MTE borrows that relationship and applies it--with some obvious caveats--to living things."

The lifespan in 87% of the free-living species Munch and Salinas studied varied as predicted by the MTE. Yet after removing the effect of temperature, there was still considerable variation in lifespan within species, indicating that other, local factors still play a role in determining lifespan.

"It is interesting to consider how cold-blooded species are likely to react in the face of global warming," said Salinas. "Because of the exponential relationship between temperature and lifespan, small changes in temperature could result in relatively large changes in lifespan. We could see changes to ecosystem structure and stability if cold-blooded species change their life histories to accommodate warmer temperatures but warm-blooded species do not."

Courtesy: Science Daily

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ovarian Tumor Growth Slowed By Nanoparticle-Delivered 'Suicide' Genes

Nanoparticle delivery of diphtheria toxin-encoding DNA selectively expressed in ovarian cancer cells reduced the burden of ovarian tumors in mice, and researchers expect this therapy could be tested in humans within 18 to 24 months, according to a report in Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Although early stage ovarian cancer can be treated with a combination of surgery followed by chemotherapy, there are currently no effective treatments for advanced ovarian cancer that has recurred after surgery and primary chemotherapy. Therefore, the majority of treated early stage cancers will relapse.

"This report is definitely a reason to hope. We now have a potential new therapy for the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer that has promise for targeting tumor cells and leaving healthy cells healthy," said lead researcher Janet Sawicki, Ph.D., a professor at the Lankenau Institute for Medical Research.

Sawicki and colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of a cationic biodegradable beta-amino ester polymer as a vector for the nanoparticle delivery of a DNA encoding diphtheria toxin suicide gene. These nanoparticles were injected into mice with primary or metastatic ovarian tumors.

To test the efficacy of this technique, the researchers measured tumor volume before and after treatment. They found that while treated tumors increased 2-fold, this was significantly less than the between 4.1-fold and 6-fold increase in control mice.

Furthermore, four of the treated tumors failed to grow at all, while all control tumors increased in size. Administration of nanoparticles to three different ovarian cancer mouse models prolonged lifespan by nearly four weeks and suppressed tumor growth more effectively, and with minimal non-specific cytotoxicity, than in mice treated with clinically relevant doses of cisplatin and paclitaxel.

Edward Sausville, M.D., Ph.D., an associate editor of Cancer Research and associate director for clinical research at the Greenebaum Cancer Center at the University of Maryland, said this report illustrates significant progress in targeted therapy.

"In oncology we have been studying ways to kill tumors for a long time, but much of this has run up against the real estate principle of location, location, location," he said. "In other words, an effective therapy is not effective if it cannot get to the target."

Sausville said a major accomplishment of this research is the multiple ways it can target ovarian cancer cells, as scientists were able to deliver diphtheria toxin genes, using a nanoparticle, to the actual tumor site (peritoneum) with a basis for selective activity in the cancer cells (how the toxin genes were regulated once inside the cells).

"A real plus of a cancer therapy like this is not just the functionality of the nanoparticle construct molecule, but the ability to deliver the toxin to the tumor cells," said Sausville, who agrees that inception of clinical trials could be just 18 months away.

Jeremy Moore
American Association for Cancer Research

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Glimpses of Life’s Puzzling Origins


Some 3.9 billion years ago, a shift in the orbit of the Sun’s outer planets sent a surge of large comets and asteroids careening into the inner solar system. Their violent impacts gouged out the large craters still visible on the Moon’s face, heated Earth’s surface into molten rock and boiled off its oceans into an incandescent mist.

Yet rocks that formed on Earth 3.8 billion years ago, almost as soon as the bombardment had stopped, contain possible evidence of biological processes. If life can arise from inorganic matter so quickly and easily, why is it not abundant in the solar system and beyond? If biology is an inherent property of matter, why have chemists so far been unable to reconstruct life, or anything close to it, in the laboratory?

The origins of life on Earth bristle with puzzle and paradox. Which came first, the proteins of living cells or the genetic information that makes them? How could the metabolism of living things get started without an enclosing membrane to keep all the necessary chemicals together? But if life started inside a cell membrane, how did the necessary nutrients get in?

The questions may seem moot, since life did start somehow. But for the small group of researchers who insist on learning exactly how it started, frustration has abounded. Many once-promising leads have led only to years of wasted effort. Scientists as eminent as Francis Crick, the chief theorist of molecular biology, have quietly suggested that life may have formed elsewhere before seeding the planet, so hard does it seem to find a plausible explanation for its emergence on Earth.

In the last few years, however, four surprising advances have renewed confidence that a terrestrial explanation for life’s origins will eventually emerge.

One is a series of discoveries about the cell-like structures that could have formed naturally from fatty chemicals likely to have been present on the primitive Earth. This lead emerged from a long argument between three colleagues as to whether a genetic system or a cell membrane came first in the development of life. They eventually agreed that genetics and membranes had to have evolved together.

The three researchers, Jack W. Szostak, David P. Bartel and P. Luigi Luisi, published a somewhat adventurous manifesto in Nature in 2001, declaring that the way to make a synthetic cell was to get a protocell and a genetic molecule to grow and divide in parallel, with the molecules being encapsulated in the cell. If the molecules gave the cell a survival advantage over other cells, the outcome would be “a sustainable, autonomously replicating system, capable of Darwinian evolution,” they wrote.

“It would be truly alive,” they added.

One of the authors, Dr. Szostak, of the Massachusetts General Hospital, has since managed to achieve a surprising amount of this program.

Simple fatty acids, of the sort likely to have been around on the primitive Earth, will spontaneously form double-layered spheres, much like the double-layered membrane of today’s living cells. These protocells will incorporate new fatty acids fed into the water, and eventually divide.

Living cells are generally impermeable and have elaborate mechanisms for admitting only the nutrients they need. But Dr. Szostak and his colleagues have shown that small molecules can easily enter the protocells. If they combine into larger molecules, however, they cannot get out, just the arrangement a primitive cell would need. If a protocell is made to encapsulate a short piece of DNA and is then fed with nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA, the nucleotides will spontaneously enter the cell and link into another DNA molecule.

At a symposium on evolution at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island last month, Dr. Szostak said he was “optimistic about getting a chemical replication system going” inside a protocell. He then hopes to integrate a replicating nucleic acid system with dividing protocells.

Dr. Szostak’s experiments have come close to creating a spontaneously dividing cell from chemicals assumed to have existed on the primitive Earth. But some of his ingredients, like the nucleotide building blocks of nucleic acids, are quite complex. Prebiotic chemists, who study the prelife chemistry of the primitive Earth, have long been close to despair over how nucleotides could ever have arisen spontaneously.

Nucleotides consist of a sugar molecule, like ribose or deoxyribose, joined to a base at one end and a phosphate group at the other. Prebiotic chemists discovered with delight that bases like adenine will easily form from simple chemicals like hydrogen cyanide. But years of disappointment followed when the adenine proved incapable of linking naturally to the ribose.

Last month, John Sutherland, a chemist at the University of Manchester in England, reported in Nature his discovery of a quite unexpected route for synthesizing nucleotides from prebiotic chemicals. Instead of making the base and sugar separately from chemicals likely to have existed on the primitive Earth, Dr. Sutherland showed how under the right conditions the base and sugar could be built up as a single unit, and so did not need to be linked.

“I think the Sutherland paper has been the biggest advance in the last five years in terms of prebiotic chemistry,” said Gerald F. Joyce, an expert on the origins of life at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif.

Once a self-replicating system develops from chemicals, this is the beginning of genetic history, since each molecule carries the imprint of its ancestor. Dr. Crick, who was interested in the chemistry that preceded replication, once observed, “After this point, the rest is just history.”

Dr. Joyce has been studying the possible beginning of history by developing RNA molecules with the capacity for replication. RNA, a close cousin of DNA, almost certainly preceded it as the genetic molecule of living cells. Besides carrying information, RNA can also act as an enzyme to promote chemical reactions. Dr. Joyce reported in Science earlier this year that he had developed two RNA molecules that can promote each other’s synthesis from the four kinds of RNA nucleotides.

“We finally have a molecule that’s immortal,” he said, meaning one whose information can be passed on indefinitely. The system is not alive, he says, but performs central functions of life like replication and adapting to new conditions.

“Gerry Joyce is getting ever closer to showing you can have self-replication of RNA species,” Dr. Sutherland said. “So only a pessimist wouldn’t allow him success in a few years.”

Another striking advance has come from new studies of the handedness of molecules. Some chemicals, like the amino acids of which proteins are made, exist in two mirror-image forms, much like the left and right hand. In most naturally occurring conditions they are found in roughly equal mixtures of the two forms. But in a living cell all amino acids are left-handed, and all sugars and nucleotides are right-handed.

Prebiotic chemists have long been at a loss to explain how the first living systems could have extracted just one kind of the handed chemicals from the mixtures on the early Earth. Left-handed nucleotides are a poison because they prevent right-handed nucleotides linking up in a chain to form nucleic acids like RNA or DNA. Dr. Joyce refers to the problem as “original syn,” referring to the chemist’s terms syn and anti for the structures in the handed forms.

The chemists have now been granted an unexpected absolution from their original syn problem. Researchers like Donna Blackmond of Imperial College London have discovered that a mixture of left-handed and right-handed molecules can be converted to just one form by cycles of freezing and melting.

With these four recent advances — Dr. Szostak’s protocells, self-replicating RNA, the natural synthesis of nucleotides, and an explanation for handedness — those who study the origin of life have much to be pleased about, despite the distance yet to go. “At some point some of these threads will start joining together,” Dr. Sutherland said. “I think all of us are far more optimistic now than we were five or 10 years ago.”

One measure of the difficulties ahead, however, is that so far there is little agreement on the kind of environment in which life originated. Some chemists, like Günther Wächtershäuser, argue that life began in volcanic conditions, like those of the deep sea vents. These have the gases and metallic catalysts in which, he argues, the first metabolic processes were likely to have arisen.

But many biologists believe that in the oceans, the necessary constituents of life would always be too diluted. They favor a warm freshwater pond for the origin of life, as did Darwin, where cycles of wetting and evaporation around the edges could produce useful concentrations and chemical processes.

No one knows for sure when life began. The oldest generally accepted evidence for living cells are fossil bacteria 1.9 billion years old from the Gunflint Formation of Ontario. But rocks from two sites in Greenland, containing an unusual mix of carbon isotopes that could be evidence of biological processes, are 3.830 billion years old.

How could life have gotten off to such a quick start, given that the surface of the Earth was probably sterilized by the Late Heavy Bombardment, the rain of gigantic comets and asteroids that pelted the Earth and Moon around 3.9 billion years ago? Stephen Mojzsis, a geologist at the University of Colorado who analyzed one of the Greenland sites, argued in Nature last month that the Late Heavy Bombardment would not have killed everything, as is generally believed. In his view, life could have started much earlier and survived the bombardment in deep sea environments.

Recent evidence from very ancient rocks known as zircons suggests that stable oceans and continental crust had emerged as long as 4.404 billion years ago, a mere 150 million years after the Earth’s formation. So life might have had half a billion years to get started before the cataclysmic bombardment.

But geologists dispute whether the Greenland rocks really offer signs of biological processes, and geochemists have often revised their estimates of the composition of the primitive atmosphere. Leslie Orgel, a pioneer of prebiotic chemistry, used to say, “Just wait a few years, and conditions on the primitive Earth will change again,” said Dr. Joyce, a former student of his.

Chemists and biologists are thus pretty much on their own in figuring out how life started. For lack of fossil evidence, they have no guide as to when, where or how the first forms of life emerged. So they will figure life out only by reinventing it in the laboratory.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Birds born to fear red

Colour intimidation in finches is innate, not learned.

Finches instinctively avoid competitors coloured red, rather than learning to fear the colour during their upbringing, Australian research concludes.1

The results are tempting researchers to suspect that in other animals, including ourselves, red's aggressive and intimidating character might also be hard-wired into brains from birth.

Dozens of experiments have shown that red intimidates competitors. In humans, wearing red improves chances of winning at sports.2 Studies have also revealed that red is associated with aggression and dominance in fish, reptiles and birds.3,4 But whether fear of red is innate or learned is an "unresolved mystery", says Robert Barton, an anthropologist at the University of Durham, UK.

Sarah Pryke of Macquarie University in Sydney tested this question in Australian Gouldian finches (Erythrura gouldiae). As adults, the finches develop either red or black heads, a genetically determined trait. The red-headed birds are aggressive, dominant and avoided by others.

To find out whether these traits were learned or inborn, Pryke examined competition between young Gouldian finches — whose heads, yet to blossom into coloured adulthood, are all dull grey.

Red destiny

She first raised finches that were genetically destined to be red-headed with black-headed parents, raised others that were genetically destined to be black-headed with red-headed parents, and left still other finches to be raised by parents of the same colour group. In contests staged between these young birds over food, it was body size rather than genetic destiny or rearing environment that decided the winner.

The still-uncoloured juveniles were then either allowed to mingle with adult red- and black-headed birds, or placed in isolation. They finally had their heads randomly painted red, black or a blue control colour.

Pryke again set pairs of hungry birds to fights over food. After the conflict, she inferred stress in individual birds by measuring blood levels of the hormone corticosterone.

Red-painted juveniles won contests with non-red juveniles 81.5% of the time, Pryke reports, regardless of what coloured head they would ultimately grow up to have. And juveniles facing red-painted opponents showed corticosterone levels 57.6% higher than those of birds that faced blue or black-headed opponents.

Don't mess with a redhead

"How the experimentally reddened finches won contests was interesting: their opponents simply moved out the way. It was not that the birds with fake red heads were suddenly more aggressive," recalls Pryke.

The results suggest that birds don't just avoid red because they have learned from experience to fear it. Rearing conditions and prolonged experience with aggressive red adults made no difference to an individual's aggressive response or stress levels.

"This suggests that Gouldian finches hatch 'knowing', as it were, that birds with red should be avoided," says Pryke.

"There are numerous examples in the literature suggesting an evolutionary bias towards red as an innate signal of aggression, [but] Pryke is the first to show explicitly and experimentally that this is indeed true … regardless of genetic and environmental background," says Mats Olsson, who works on evolutionary ecology at the University of Wollongong in New South Wales, Australia.

Red for a reason?

What remains unclear is why red is the colour of intimidation. White and blue are as commonly used as warning colours in plants and animals as red, says Pryke — so it's surprising that an innate fear of red should emerge from natural selection.

"There could be something about red that is particularly costly to produce or maintain, therefore making it very likely to be an 'honest' signal that other animals have to respect," thinks Barton. Many primates, including humans, show anger or dominance by bringing oxygenated blood to the surface of the skin. This creates a red colouration but at the cost of shunting blood away from core tissues.

Barton also suggests that the high visibility of becoming red, which increases the risk of being picked out by predators or rivals, may suggest to others of the same species that an animal is tough enough to cope with being more noticeable.

"Considering this study and all of those associated with red uniforms in games2, it is tempting to suspect that in humans, as in birds, it is also innate for red to signal aggression and intimidation," adds neuroscientist Mihai Moldovan, at the University of Copenhagen.


  1. Pryke, S. R. Anim. Behav. published online. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2009.05.013 (2009).
  2. Hill, R. and Barton, R. Nature, 435, 293 (2005)
  3. Healey, M. et al Animal Behaviour, 74, 337-341 (2007)
  4. Pryke, S. et al , Behavioural Ecology, 13, 622-631 (2002)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New Creatures in an Age of Extinctions


In the inner precincts of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History, along a corridor that could easily accommodate a string of bowling alleys, Kristofer M. Helgen, curator of mammals, pulled open one of the thousands of metal cabinets stacked against the walls and gestured grandly at the contents. Inside was a tray of a dozen dried rodents, chestnut-furred and with tails neatly extended, like campfire wieners on sticks. He opened other drawers, revealing small, fox-faced bats, and a pair of giant bats with fierce, bicuspid canines, and a weasel-sized mammal with a pendulous snout, and a bat whose translucent, mottled wings looked like parachutes for G. I. Joe.

The animals came from New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Kenya, Sulawesi, but they all had one trait in common: they were new to science, some of them so new they had yet to be named. And the Smithsonian specimens are just part of a much wider trend. Fabio Röhe of the Bronx Zoo’s Wildlife Conservation Society and his colleagues just announced the discovery of a new monkey in the Brazilian Amazon, a petite saddleback tamarin with a foot-long tail and a pelt of rust, gray and dappled gold, while other scientists with the conservation group have lately detected new primate species in Bolivia, India and Tanzania.

Since the last summary of the world’s mammals was published in 2005, tallying the roughly 5,400 mammalian species then known, Dr. Helgen said, an astounding 400 or so new species have been added to the list. “Most people don’t realize this,” he said, “but we are smack-dab in the middle of the age of discovery for mammals.”

Yet as he and other biologists are all too aware, we are also smack-dab in the middle of a great species smack down, an age of mass extinctions for which we humans are largely to blame. Estimates of annual species loss vary widely and are merely crude guesstimates anyway, but most researchers agree that, as a result of habitat destruction, climate volatility, pesticide runoff, ocean dumping, jet-setting invasive species and other “anthropogenic” effects on the environment, the extinction rate is many times above nature’s chronic winnowing. “Our best guess is that it’s hugely above baseline, a hundred times above baseline,” said John Robinson, an executive vice president at the Wildlife Conservation Society. “The problem is, we’ve only described an estimated 15 percent of all species on Earth, so most of what’s going extinct are things we didn’t even know existed.”

In sum, we have a provocatively twinned set of rising figures: on the one hand, the known knowns, that is, the number of new species that researchers are divulging by the day; and on the other, the unknown unknowns, the creatures that are fast disappearing without benefit of a Linnaean tag. To this second statistic must be added the “known no longers,” the named species that we’ve managed to directly or indirectly annihilate, like the Yangtze river dolphin, declared functionally extinct two years ago, or the dusky seaside sparrow, which tweeted its last in 1987.

Antithetical as they may seem, the two data sets are in many ways intertwined. One reason scientists are discovering more new species now than they were a couple of decades ago is that previously impenetrable places have been opened to varying degrees of development, allowing researchers to rush in and sample the abundance before it disappears. The gulp ’n’ go style of the global market can also deliver taxonomic novelty right to scientists’ door.

Scott E. Miller, deputy undersecretary for science at the Smithsonian, pointed out that flowers grown in Kenya today could well arrive at your local Safeway tomorrow, incidentally bearing the larvae of an undescribed and possibly undesirable species of moth. “The next invasive insect species could come from any place on the planet,” he said. “From my perspective, if we knew more about the players — who’s out there, how they live, what they eat — we’d know better how to respond” to the funny green alien pupating by the produce section.

Yet if it is through habitat disturbance that many new species are brought to light, scientists argue that formal recognition can in turn prove a debutante’s salvation, especially if the ingénue is a looker. Jean Boubli, who directs the wildlife society’s Brazil programs, said he was planning to use the newly discovered saddleback tamarin as Exhibit A in his efforts to block the construction of paved roads into the still-pristine patch of the Amazon where the primate lives, some 65 miles from Manaus. “It’s a godsend to have found that monkey right now,” he said, “to make our case to the authorities that opening up access to the forest would be a disaster.”

Dr. Boubli, like most conservationists, is a shameless pragmatist, who will pluck every self-referential string in the human limbic system if it means some nonhumans may benefit. Of course the overwhelming majority of the world’s mystery dwellers are insects and other invertebrates, and of course the rate of discovery of new insect species is orders of magnitude greater than for mammals or even frogs, fish or plants. Of the Smithsonian Institution’s 85 million biological specimens — among the largest such collections in the world — insects account for 35 million and mounting. “We have new insect specimens coming in by the boatload,” Dr. Miller said. “The collection grows by a few hundred thousand a year.”

Moreover, insects and their arthropod kin are thought to suffer disproportionately from habitat loss, for many are specialists endemic to one small eco-niche. As May Berenbaum of the University of Illinois has observed, however, it’s hard for people to identify with a creature that wears its bones on the outside and has backward bending legs. “If we found a new species of beetle, or even a whole new family of beetles, who would care?” said Dr. Boubli. “But monkeys are big, cute and furry. Monkeys have a special place in our hearts.”

Evidence suggests that it pays to look good on a fund-raising calendar. “We know we’re losing a lot of species overall,” Dr. Robinson said, “but when it comes to the large, charismatic species, for the most part we’ve been able to hold on. There are so many conservationists working really hard to make sure that we don’t lose our iconic, culturally important megafauna that, although many are right on the brink of extinction, they haven’t gone over the edge.”

Yet even our most beloved mascots — the pandas, the snow leopards, the gibbons and the whales — remain a mystery to us, their wild lives unplumbed. “We think we know the mammals pretty well,” said Dr. Miller, “but we have the most basic sort of information for only 6 percent of them.”

Moreover, conservationists are now grappling with the question of where and under what conditions the precious surviving megafauna will be living 5, 10, 50 years from now. In restricted parks and refuges? In zoos? Or amidst some semblance, reconstructed or otherwise, of the ruthless, splendid labyrinth in which their ancestors, and ours, lived and died and evolved?

Which brings us back to the need to know what’s out there, the whole phylogenetic swag: the rats and bats and beetles, the frogs in the trees, the algae in the seas. “If you don’t know what level of biodiversity exists,” said Vicki A. Funk, curator of the United States National Herbarium, “how are you going to conserve it?” Pickled, perhaps, and with tail pulled straight, and carefully, everlastingly archived.

Courtesy: New York times